Do or Do Not, There's no Try

Tough day today I say. Probably a little busier as compared to any normal days since we had to slave hard for the coding for the incoming deadline that is around next week.
I again got motivated and thought of putting up of what Danny Choo had said for the benefit of those who never navigated his site before :)
Life indeed is short so do really give your goals in life some thoughts before it's too late for regrets! As for me, I really wish to do well for my drawings, have a good gasp on the Japanese Language and also not forgetting photography as well. I know I'm slow when it comes to learning things, but I know if I take my step one at the time, one day, somehow, I'm able to reach my destination.
And I'm gonna quit my job and try to do something else that is near my interest. This time is really for real.
Here's what Danny Choo had said(I did some edits to it though. ^^ can read the whole article from here) :
So I mentioned before that one should try to seek something that they enjoy doing and make it into a living.
I also mentioned that I'm having loads of fun making a living out of what I enjoy and know best. I've also managed to make my hobby part of my work too where my clients are in the figure/anime industry.
But having loads of fun doesn't mean that its never going to be tough.
If you feel that your schooling/work is tough but at the same time hate what you are studying or hate your current job then I advise to take time out to rethink your life plan as soon as you can. Life is too short to spend your life doing something that hurts you physically and mentally and its definitely too short to spend it doing something you dislike.
On the other hand, if you are going through tough times while doing something that you are passionate about and believe in, then the rest just naturally follows and good things will happen to you. It sounds odd but I guess its the way the universe was put together.
Life is short. No matter how young you think you are, you will be 6 foot under ground before you know it.
Also, never be under the assumption that you will live until you are old n gray. Unless you are best buddies with god, you do not have any guarantees that you wont die tomorrow. Dying is a reality whether its from old age or from natural disasters or from some crazy guy running around Akihabara stabbing people at random.
I'm under no illusion that I'm going to live until old age which is why I always live as if it was my last day. That does not mean I ignore the responsibilities I have though ^^
Make a point of exploring what you want to do with the rest of your life.
You may not find the answer straight away, but as long as you continue to search, the answer will come to you.
And where do you start to look? Easy one - you know what you like and are passionate about - start there.
Explore communities where there is information or people who enjoy the same interests that you have. Don't wait for things to happen - make them happen.
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