Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Persona 4, heading to your nearest PS2 this December.

And when I was still playing The Answer(IT'S SO DAMN FUN I TELL YOU!!*cough*)and on the verge of grabbing my latest p4 copy the day after tomorrow, news that the North America's P4 version will be released at 9th December this year! HOMG, is like....so near! D:

With that, probably I shall dismiss the thought of obtaining the Japanese version(my nihongo fails, kthxbye!) and just sit back and wait for the next 5 months to pass by(with projects to rush and examinations to take, you get my drift) while waiting for the translated version to come, sounds good, no?

Makes a great early Christmas present, together with Hiragi figma twins~! ^o^


P4 English Main Site (although currently it's not really complete)

Persona 4 US Trailer

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